We've been working on "potty training" with Jack for close to a month now...he's doing rather well. There are still accidents...which is to be expected (I think) but overall this kid is rocking it. He seems to be understanding when he has to go and for the most part makes it to the bathroom/potty. We are definitely going through less diapers and he's holding when he's out in public and in his pull-ups. We did teach him about going "pee" outside...hopefully he won't be one of those kids who drops his drawers on the playground. No matter what, we are so proud of him!!! It's amazing how quickly he learns new things and seemingly understands the concept. He's such a big boy!!
Happy 1st Birthday Reid! it has been a great year! You are becoming such a big boy with a fun personality. We enjoy watching you discover your surroundings. It's hard to believe you are turning 1 already...It seems like it was just yesterday when you arrived...ready to join the family!! Happy Birthday little man!!