We have officially made it 4 weeks past when Jack was born and still going strong. I did have a blood pressure spike on Monday morning, went up to the 140s/90s, called my OB, went in to see him, and it was thankfully back down to normal by the time I saw him. He said it was likely a spike and there is no specific reason as to why it did that but the important thing is that it went back down and I'm not having any other signs of preecclampsia right now. I'm still keeping a close eye on everything and likely will be seeing the OB more frequently now. I'm not going to complain, if it keeps me pregnant for another 7-8 weeks then that's great!
We were lucky enough to have another ultrasound completed yesterday due to my history of preecclampsia and because Jack was small for his gestational age when he was born. Everything looks perfect with the baby! He's still a boy and he's a big boy right now!! He's measuring about a week big, at 31weeks 2 days, weighing in at around 3lb 13oz at this point. We were very happy to know things are growing as appropriately and there are no concerns regarding small size!! Here are a couple of pictures from the ultrasound, he looks like he has some chubby little cheeks already!!
Unfortunately they aren't the best pictures, since I took a picture of the picture they gave us. We got a nice profile shot, then you can see his chubby cheeks, and lastly, he was grabbing his toes!
I realized I hadn't posted much of anything in awhile...mainly because there hasn't been much going on around here. Jack's doing well, finished up with Occupational Therapy, he's age appropriate now! We are very proud of him! He's been eating pretty well, one molar has popped thorugh, he's getting his incisors, so hopefully once all those come in, it'll be much easier on him. We are still working on the straw cup with him, yesterday he took all his Pediasure from it!! He did awesome! The only thing that's been driving us crazy with him is that he isn't gaining much weight, though he isn't losing any. He does seem to be getting taller and he's feet are growing, so we aren't sure what the deal is. We will be meeting with a nutrionist at some point to make sure he's getting the most out of his calories.
I'm doing well, as of Tuesday I will have completed 28 weeks of this pregnancy! So far, things are going great. Blood pressure is good, no swelling yet either. I've only gained a total of 16 lbs the entire time! It's been wonderful. I look like I'm smuggling a basketball under my shirt! I keep looking towards May, preferably the end of the month! I had to take the 4 hour glucose tolerance test last week and thankfully the results came back with no indication of gestational diabetes!
Overall, so far, March has been pretty calm and I'm just continuing to work and plan on doing that as long as I am able!
As of today I have moved into new pregnancy territory for me...I've passed the point when Jack was born. Jack was born at 26 weeks, 2 days - I am now 26 weeks, 3 days. I am excited to continue this journey with our new little boy still growing inside my incubator rather than the outside incubator like Jack did. I would've loved to have Jack continue his journey the way this little one with hopefully do but we are also very lucky to have such a special, perfect miracle in Jack! He's caught up to be age appropriate - which is AWESOME!! He's a rockstar! I am always worrying about him, which is a normal mom thing, but I know that he'll be great no matter what comes his way!
I am looking foward to seeing my 3rd trimester in a week and a half and continuing to look towards having a May baby!!