A quick update on Jack's pediatrician appointment today - everything going great! He's up to 15lb 11oz now and 27 inches long! He's still gaining along his own curve - still at the 1% mark for his age group for weight; moved up closer to the 3% mark for height(he did grow 1.25 inches in less than a month) and gaining in head circumference! GO JACK! The ped said he thought that once Jack hits 12 months we should switch him to toddler formula to continue with the nutrients it provides to help him continue to grow and catch up. I'm so happy he's doing so well and we are thrilled about his wonderful progress! He's continuing with the army crawling and it's becoming a little more coordinated, he's cruising along the couch, and pulling to stand - WOW! It's going to be a fun fall/winter in our house!!
We are closing in on 1 year...11 months old. Time sure does fly when you are having fun! I can't believe it's been this long already! I'll be saying the same thing when he's 5, 10, 15, etc...but I truely can't believe it's already been this long. It seems like just yesterday! I just quickly wanted to post about Jack being 11 months old and how fantastic he has done so far and how much he's doing lately! Talking up a storm - dada, ba, mama!! He's working on crawling, pulling up to stand, playing with his toys still, throwing overhand and getting more teeth in! His top left is so close to pushing thru, just not yet! We head to the pediatrician next week, so I'm hoping for good weight gain - if he keeps eating the way he's been then it shouldn't be a problem!
So, since we are officially feeding tube free we have been figuring out what Jack likes to eat - boy does this kid like some crazy stuff! We definitely know that he does NOT like baby food - he literally gags at the Gerber purees - so we just don't feed him those. Here's our list of likes: mashed sweet potatoes, mashed butternut squash, chocolate and vanilla pudding, ritz crackers, the gerber graduate cheese poofs, and the different flavored puffs. He is also doing a great job with his formula - taking over 20oz a day. We go see the peditrician next week and hopefully we'll have a decent weight gain! He's definitely too tall for the 6month clothes, so we are into 9month ones now!
Crawling - getting very close! He now has some uncoordinated scooting forward going on to get different things for himself. We are still working on getting to a seated position from laying down and pulling up to things. He's doing great overall!
Here's a cute picture Dustin sent me this weekend - what a big boy!!
So, it seems we have survived our second cold! Jack is doing much better, didn't cough all night, slept very good! He's still a little stuffy but mostly in the morning - which is a good thing, he's working all the phlegm out. He didn't really want to eat much yesterday - I think that was due to still having so much junk in his nose. He did eat a good amount of formula - thankfully.
We went down to the Zionsville Fall Festival, it was an enjoyable afternoon walking around, we saw the animals - puppies! and got some yummy food - the Friendly's tenderloins were awesome!. I talked with the lady at the March of Dimes booth and asked for more information regarding Pre-ecclampsia, mainly to learn more as to why I ended up having it so early especially since I really didn't have any of the risk factors. Also, I want to learn about the risk for a subsequent pregnancy - if we decide Jack needs a little sister or brother.
Of course, the most important thing right now is focusing on Jack, he was using our hands to pull himself up to standing and is working on going from laying down to sitting.
It sucks when you get sick, but it sucks more when your little one is sick also. We all had our second cold since May but it seems worse this time because it's combined with teething. We are giving Jack albuterol treatments every 4 hours and he's more comfortable and not coughing as much after that - but of course I'm terribly worried this will turn into something more. Likely he'll kick this soon likke the lasg one but we'll keep doing what we can until it's over!
Wow - I can't believe that I am starting to plan Jack's 1st birthday! This time last year we were just getting started working on his nursery, registering, and getting a list of names together! A lot has changed! We are definitely going to be celebrating what a year it has been! We have been through some tough challenges and have come out for the better! We aren't going to have a big massive party, mostly family, close friends, and hopefully a couple special nurse guests (I need your address Brooke!) I was choosing pictures of his invitation and it's amazing how much he has changed this past year - one thing's for sure, he's always had an awesome head of hair!!
We are officially TUBE FREE! It took 10 long months but we've made it. We have a new goal now - crawling. I am hoping he'll be crawling all over the place by his birthday. He's thinking about it just hasn't quite got it yet! He's tolerating tummy time much better and is pushing up on his arms, so it's just a matter of time!