Tuesday, August 24, 2010

NICU Picnic...

Saturday was the NICU picnic - all graduates from the NICU are invited.  There seemed to be a wide range of ages - from 7(maybe even older) down to newly discharged babies.  It definitely looked like in a couple years it will be lots of FUN!  This year it was nice to go and enjoy the park, see some of our nurses and doctors, and see some of the friends we made while we were in there.  Jack seemed to enjoy himself.  We saw Nurse Emily and Nurse Sara while we were there.  He spent some time swinging - a first! 

Also, we are in the midst of doing a wean - we are now on day 5 without the tube and amounts of formula have increased daily.  Yesterday was a big 20 oz.  As of right now, he has taken 13 oz so far today.  Our goal is a minimum of 20/day and hoping for close to 24 oz/day.  I am cautiously optimistic that we will be finished with the feeding tube.  He's doing wonderful!!  He is also rolling all over the place now and thinking about crawling...makes me wonder if the irritation from the tube was holding back some other developmental things also...we will see!  For now, we are happy he's doing so well and hoping for continued progress!!

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