Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update - Jack and Baby #2...

Jack update - overall he's doing great.  He started school/day care on Monday, did very well but was completely exhausted that night!  He's only going to be going 2 days/week, so hopefully he enjoys his 2 days there.  He ate all his lunch and took a short nap on the's going to take some getting used to for him!  We took him to see the GI nurse practitioner yesterday, he was up to 30.25 inches and 20.02 pounds.  They said we could start trying to wean him off his prilosec now.  The only thing they could find was that he is still a little underweight but following his own curve still and gaining 11 grams/day which is the high end for his age!  He's in the 10-15% mark for his height (unadjusted age) and still under the 3% mark but closing in on it.  We follow up in 6 months and if he's off his prilosec and doing well at that point then they will be done with him!!  I hoping for another good visit when we go see the NICU follow-up doctor next week.  We unfortunately did find out that he has an ear infection, so we are on some antibiotics to get that cleared up soon!  Jack got his first bloody nose last night, poor guy tripped over his jeans and fell face first on the was all over his shirt.  He was a mess!

Baby #2 update:  31 weeks, 1 day and still pregnant!  Things are going well, seeing the OB twice a week now, mainly precautionary, to make sure if something starts then we catch it early.  Minimal swelling in my ankles so far and it goes away at night or when I get my feet up!  I'm still working 2 afternoons a week and hoping to keep that up for as long as possible.  Our goal is to make it 6 more weeks at minimum...I am positive we will get that far and maybe even longer!!  We are working on trying to get his room finished...a few more things to buy (mattress mainly) and some finishing touches on decorating (painting the nightstand, chair rail, lamps, valance, etc) and we'll be done!  I'll get some pictures once it's completed. 

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