Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Double digits...

Woohoo!!  Jack made it into the double digits for our weight check yesterday!  He is exactly 10lbs!!  Also, when they pulled up his growth chart for his actual age, he was actually on the chart at the 1% mark.  I was pretty excited that he was actually ON the chart - I wasn't expecting him to be on the chart since he's adjusted to 2+ months.  I went ahead and checked his length - 22.5in and head circumference - 38cm! 

He seems to be over the feeding tube and wanting to actually eat - the pacifier just isn't helping much anymore. 
We have more things to work on from physical therapy yesterday:

1.  Tummy time:  3-5x/day
2.  Playing with toys while laying on his back
3.  Using toys with eyes on them or high contrast books/toys

We worked on a little tummy time yesterday afternoon and we'll get started with that 3x/day today!  I hope he enjoys this!!

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