Friday, May 7, 2010

Positive thinking...

This is my new plan - think positively.  I know many people have told me to do this for a long time...especially because I've always been one of the most pessimistic people around.  I've made a decision and I plan on sticking to it.  For myself, Dustin, and Jack, I'm going to look at the brighter side of things and not dwell on the negative or the what if's about something.  I'm starting with Jack's laryngeal cleft - as you know we are going in for an upper GI scope next friday, the plan is to fix his cleft at the same time (of course they have told us it is a possibility it will not be repaired due to swelling/redness in that region).  I am not going to worry about the possibility of it not being repaired and I know they will come out afterwards and tell us it has been repaired and we'll be in the hospital while he recovers and learns to eat again.  It will be fixed next friday and we'll be off the feeding pump and he'll be working towards off oxygen all the time.  I know he can do it and I know it will happen.  I'm done with dwelling on the what-if's - I have a VERY strong son who has made it through more than we will ever know and has done amazing with it all!!  He has become one of the smartest little 6 month olds I know (especially since he was 3months early!) Guess he get's his earliness from me!

This is my inspiration for my new outlook!  This adorable, wonderful, little miracle!!

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