It's time for a quick update on Mr. Jack...for the most part he's doing great! He's continuing to walk everywhere, and is able to go straight from the floor to standing without trouble anymore. He can crawl up and down the stairs now, with us watching closely and is trying to figure the climbing thing out. He's able to put 2-3 shapes into a puzzle and can stack things (his mega blocks). We are continuing to work on the straw cup - I completely put the sippy cups away, I think a straw is going to be perfect for him. He has enjoyed being outside for those couple of nice days we had recently and hopefully we can get outside much more often here soon!
We found out that he is going to be finished with Occupational Therapy here soon and he's pretty much caught up with everything. Of course, we will continue to work with him on all his motor skills but we are so thankful as to how wonderful he has done overall. We are still trying to get/keep weight on him...hopefully he'll get these darn molars in soon and will start eating like crazy again!
::october 2019::
5 years ago