Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here's Hoping, take 2...

Well, I wrote today's earlier post this morning and then, we ended up in the ER, they really couldn't find anything wrong with Jack except he was having some difficulty breathing(slight wheezing) and we've noticed he's been having trouble with his feedings.  They took a chest x-ray and said it looked better than his last one - started us on albuterol and thickened his feeds to help with his spitting up.  We are hoping these things help but so far, he's just wroking harder to eat (I think).  We're going to be keeping a close eye on him and see how this is working.  We are keeping the pulmonologist appointment for March 31 to follow up with this - I was hoping he would come off oxygen then, but I'm not too sure now.  Please keep your fingers crossed that Jack gets better - with whatever is wrong with him!


  1. I will be praying for you guys and Jack. Adam and I are here for you both if you need anything at all.

  2. love the new header! super cute pictures...tell little jack that we love him and hopefully will see him this weekend!! :)

  3. Tell that Jack that I miss his face. That sucks about the ER, but glad he is ok.
