Saturday, March 20, 2010


Ugh...I am exhausted!  Work pretty much wore me out today - I can't think of any other way to put it.  I don't know why but my brain was completely fried and all I wanted to do was get the shopping finished and get home but we needed a few things from the store, so I thought I'd stop by Wal-Mart on 86th St. because someone told me they had SwaddleMe's and I wanted to get one.  We needed a few other things, so I thought I'd be able to get everything...yeah right...I already didn't like Wal-Mart - but today made me despise it!  It was ridiculous!  They had the SwaddleMe...but they didn't have anything else - no formula, no know, the necessities in this house!  Oh and what really made me aggravated was the SLOW people walking in the middle of the aisle so I can't get around them...

Anyways, I had to stop by Target also...they had the formula (only 2 cans left, but they had it!) then I realized I left the coupons in the car (crap!).  I went out and got them because I had $5 off for formula!  So, I thought I was finished shopping and went to check out - nope, forgot coffee and deodorant!  I swear I made a list!  Thankfully the cashier was really nice and let me suspend my order, run and get those things and come back to finish the checkout!  Ugh...I don't think I got far enough along in my pregnancy to have the forgetful pregnancy brain, but I've got the mommy just got off work and is exhausted brain going on today! 

Dustin did send me this really cute picture of Jack today which made me smile!  Don't you love the overalls!! 

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on Wal-Mart. Everyone says it is so cheap, but I can't stand it either. I feel your pain, that is why I usually end up at Target spending more....
